Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Changing Direction

Well, it's official.
After 15 years of mural painting, I'm climbing down off of my ladders and scaffolding to spend my creative time in my studio. Nerve damage from working with my arm up over my head for so many years has finally forced me to head in a new direction.

Change isn't exactly my favorite thing. I usually go kicking and screaming all the way into a new season, job or place to live. But, as you know, sometimes change...even unexpected change, can turn out to be a nice, happy surprise.

I can still paint in my studio, but I've recently started to carve... and I love it! I'm carving wood, gourds and eggshells, and it's just about the most fun I've ever had in all of my creative endeavors. Learning something new has it's challenges, but it's also an enjoyable journey.

So...here's to the new paths in life....Cheers!

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